Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs
Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs

Mutig und schön: Afrikanischer Kopfschmuck aus doppeltem Satin mit Modedruck

Availability: In Stock
CHF 11.00
CHF 11.00
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Farbe: 1
Subtotal: CHF 11.00
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Bold and Beautiful: Double Satin African Headtie with Fashion Print - Flexi Africa - Flexi Africa offers Free Delivery Worldwide - Vibrant African traditional clothing showcasing bold prints and intricate designs

Mutig und schön: Afrikanischer Kopfschmuck aus doppeltem Satin mit Modedruck

CHF 11.00

Mutig und schön: Afrikanischer Kopfschmuck aus doppeltem Satin mit Modedruck

CHF 11.00
Farbe: 1

Gewicht : ca. 70g

Material : Polyester, Satin

Geeignete Jahreszeit : Sommer, Winter, Frühling, Herbst

Typ : Afrikanischer Kopfschmuck

Besondere Verwendung : Traditionelle Kleidung

Material : Polyester

Artikeltyp : Afrika-Kleidung

Geschlecht : Frau


Kaufen Sie nur bei Flexi Africa Double Satin African Headtie Fashion Print Women Turban Cap Muslimisches Kopftuch Bonnet Africa Clothing Hijab Chemo Hat International Kostenloser Versand Weltweit Double Satin African Headtie Fashion Print Women Turban Cap Muslimisches Kopftuch Bonnet Africa Clothing Hijab Chemo Hat


Die kühne und schöne afrikanische Kopfbinde aus doppeltem Satin ist ein exquisites Accessoire für Frauen, die ihrem Hijab, ihren Chemo-Hüten oder jeder anderen Art von Kopfbedeckung einen Hauch von Eleganz verleihen möchten. Dieses aus hochwertigem Doppelsatin gefertigte Stirnband ist weich und bequem und sorgt dafür, dass es den ganzen Tag über sicher an seinem Platz bleibt.


Der auffällige Modedruck auf dieser Kopfbedeckung ist eine wunderschöne Mischung aus kräftigen Farben und komplizierten Mustern, die vom traditionellen afrikanischen Design inspiriert sind. Der einzigartige Druck macht diese Kopfbinde zu einem herausragenden Stück, das jedem Outfit einen Hauch von Persönlichkeit verleiht.


Diese Kopfbinde ist perfekt für alle, die ihre Individualität und ihren Sinn für Stil zum Ausdruck bringen möchten, da sie auf verschiedene Arten gebunden werden kann, um unterschiedliche Looks zu kreieren. Ganz gleich, ob Sie einen klassischen, eleganten Look oder einen moderneren, trendigen Stil bevorzugen, diese Kopfbedeckung kann ganz nach Ihrem persönlichen Geschmack und Ihrer Stimmung getragen werden.


Diese Kopfbinde ist nicht nur eine stilvolle Ergänzung für jede Garderobe, sondern auch praktisch und vielseitig. Es kann getragen werden, um Haarausfall aufgrund einer Chemotherapie abzudecken, das Haar vor rauen Wetterbedingungen zu schützen oder einfach als schönes Accessoire, das jedes Outfit ergänzt.


Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Bold and Beautiful Double Satin African Headtie ein Muss für jede Frau ist, die eine stilvolle und vielseitige Kopfbedeckung sucht. Sein wunderschöner Modedruck, der bequeme Stoff und die Vielseitigkeit machen es zu einem Accessoire, nach dem Sie immer wieder greifen werden.

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